All Hail Reports near Wichita, Kansas in 2021
Wichita 2021 Hail Summary
Wichita Kansas (population: 382368) had 1 hail reports within 10 miles of the city center located at (37.69224, -97.33754) in 2021. The largest report of hail in 2021 near Wichita was 1.00 inches about a month ago. The zipcode with the highest number of damaging hail reports near Wichita in 2021 is 67233, with 1 reports.
The last time that hail was reported near Wichita was on 03/12/2021.
If your property has damage from this storm contact us
03/12/2021 Hail Reports (Rotate your phone horizontally)
Details | Date | Size | City | County | State |
ksn meteorologist reported that her parents received lots of pea sized and a few pieces quarter sized hail. (ict) | 03/12/2021 10:39 A | 1.00 inches | wichita | sedgwick | KS |
03/12/2021 Wind Reports (Rotate your phone horizontally)
Date | Speed | City | County | State |
03/12/2021 6:25 A | 60 mph | 2 se downtown wichita | sedgwick | KS |
penny sized hail was reported as well. (ict) |
2020 TORNADO REPORTS NEAR Wichita, Kansas. No Reports of tornado activity found within 10 miles of Kansas City, Kansas in 2020
19 June 1992 | Wichita, Kansas, USA | Two batches of severe thunderstorms, occurring within 6 hours of each other, dumped hailstones up to 4.5 in (11 cm) in diameter across Sedgwick, including the city of Wichita, and surrounding counties in south-central Kansas. Over 10,000 homes were damaged. The hail left wheat fields in a near total loss. Estimated property damage totaled $500 million with crop damage at $100 million. The thunderstorm episode ranks as one of the worst ever to hit Kansas |
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